New York Notary Renewal Process

If you want to continue working as a notary, you must renew your commission properly and on time. We've outlined the process for renewing a New York notary commission — and answered some frequently asked questions — here.

How to Renew Your Commission

You can renew your license 90 days prior to the expiration date printed on your license. As long as you still meet the New York notary eligibility requirements, you can follow these steps to renew.

Note: As of June 30, 2023, renewal applicants must submit their application and fees to the Secretary of State using the online Business Express system.

#1: Complete the Notary Public Oath of Office

All notary renewals require a new oath of office. Before you upload a scanned copy of your oath to your application, make sure it's signed and notarized. Use the exact same name for this document that you will use as a notary.

Find the oath of office form (DOS-2201) on the New York Business Express notary page under the Form(s) header.

#2: Renew Online

Notary renewals use the same online system as the initial application.

When you're ready to renew, follow these steps:

The state will send your notary commission card to the email address associated with your account. If there are problems with your renewal application, you'll get an email requesting additional information.

#3: Secure a New Notary Stamp & Other Supplies

Our renewal package includes a new notary stamp that meets or exceeds state specifications, the required record-keeping journal, and errors and omissions insurance to ensure you stay protected.

If you're interested in other supplies like oath stamps, gold foil labels or stamp ink, check out our supplies store.

More Information About the Renewal Process

How much does it cost to renew?

Costs associated with renewing a New York notary commission include a new stamp, a record-keeping journal and application fees. Our notary renewal package covers most of these necessities but does not cover the $60 renewal fee.

Can I renew online?

Yes. The New York Department of State requires notaries to submit their renewal applications online using its Business Express system. Get started here.

How often does a notary have to renew in New York?

Notary commissions in New York last for four years.

How do I find out when my notary commission expires?

The easiest way to see when your notary commission expires is by checking the date on your notary identification card.

Can I renew my New York notary commission after it expires?

Yes. But you must renew within six months of the expiration date. If it is expired for more than six months, you must apply as a new notary.

How early can I renew my notary in New York?

You are eligible to renew your license 90 days prior to its expiration date.